Founders are entrepreneurs who are creating a venture, a business. Each venture can have 1 or more founders. Founders are not assigned to mentors directly. Instead, they are assigned to ventures, and ventures get assigned to mentors.
Founders screen allows you to view founders currently in the program with their information as illustrated in Figure 1 below.
Figure 1 - Founders screen
The Venture column shows the venture associated with each founder
If you click on the venture name, you’ll get to its respective venture information screen
New founders can be created using the New founder button seen in Figure 1. New founders can also be created from the Dashboard.
After clicking on New founder button, you’ll see the screen shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Creating a new founder
Only 4 fields are obligatory, First name, Last name, Date of enrollment (autofilled), and Email. Once these fields are filled out, the founder can be saved.
Each founder editing screen has the following tabs on top: Details, Ventures, and Notes.
Details tab contains basic founder information like name, picture, LinkedIn, etc.
Ventures tab, shown in Figure 3, allows you to see the venture(s) of a founder.
Figure 3 - Viewing and adding ventures