The Dashboard is the home screen of a Program Administrator. It is meant to quickly show what is happening in the program.

Reviewing Dashboard screen

The dashboard contains an overview of the data in the system. It is organized into different sections: left-side navigation menu, Mentors card, Ventures card, Sessions card, and Upcoming sessions section.

Figure 1: Dashboard screen

Screen Shot 2021-12-09 at 7.21.46 PM.png

Left-side Navigation Menu

Hover the mouse over the left-side menu and you will see the screen shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Left-side navigation menu

Screen Shot 2021-12-09 at 7.22.02 PM.png

Clicking the Dashboard button will bring you back to the dashboard

The Mentors button will show you the Mentor screen

The Ventures button will show you the Ventures screen

The Founders button will show you the Founders screen

The Sessions button will show you the Sessions screen**

The Gatherings button will show you the Gatherings screen

Mentors card

The mentors card shown in Figure 3 contains links that show mentors in the program filtered by the number of ventures assigned to them.

Figure 3: Mentors card

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